Broken Age (Windows)

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         Developer : Double Fine
             Genre : Adventure games

      Achievements :

Broken Age

Log entries

  • Finally, the game that popularized the notion of crowd-funding with an extremely successful 2012 Kickstarter campaign that raised 3 million $, is out ... or rather the first episode is out. Quote from Broken Age's Kickstarter page: 'We were aiming to finish in October of 2012, but in light of the increased budget we're planning to expand production to ensure we make the best game possible.'
  • I played the first episode together with Erik at Playdead. The game is played from the perspectives of two characters, the space boy Shay, and the girl, Vella (which I have yet to learn much about). I like the style of the writing, hitting that particular note of pleasant humour with a slight hint of darkness, just clever enough that you will want to engage yourself in the world. The visual style of the game is slightly inconsistent, to the point where certain areas looks downright unfinished, but you will forget all about it when you get sucked into the story. Assisting the immersion is Peter McConnel's music, which seems downright inspired. The game is a straight old school point-and-click adventure, and the puzzles in this first episode are extremely simple, but this fact is elegantly woven into the story of Shay, who also is being presented with ridiculously easy puzzles by his 'mother', the sentient and over-protective spaceship serving as his home. Shay, and the player, will have to work around the set rules and think creatively to escape from the boredom of trivial challenges. I look forward to playing Vella's side of the story.
  • 2014-01-27
  • Accomplished Completed act 1.. - Erik and I played the rest of Act 1, Vella's story. The other half of the game is equally simplistic in terms of gameplay, almost to a fault. But like the first act, the characters and the story are written so well, that you just can't help but engage yourself. The ending was amazing, we thought we had the whole story figured out, but we were wrong, and the ending had the craziest implications on what we had played so far, while also raising a lot of questions that needed answering. I really want to play the second act now. I think this is the best writing I have experienced in any adventure game.
  • 2015-05-12
  • Nabaz joined Erik and myself at work, and started playing the full version of this great adventure game. As per Tim Schafer's recommendation, we played through the first act again, and rolled directly into the second act. We were to tired to keep going any longer, but there sure were some exiting revelations in the early parts of act two. I can't wait to hear the rest of the story.
  • And Wil Wheatons paranoid hipster lumberjack - priceless.
  • 2015-05-18
  • Completed the game. The team of me, Erik, Nabaz, and Peter joined up and completed the game. The ending did not quite live up to the mystery of the first act, but the puzzles along the way were pretty cool.

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Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.2.14 2024-04-26